Coming Soon

Coverage for medical expenses due to accidents and infectious diseases for individuals.

Receive 24-hour global protection against injuries due to accident and 21 infectious diseases.

Get coverage for permanent disability due to an accident.

Cover physiotherapy or psychiatric therapy expenses in the event of an accident.

Cover your loved one in the event he/she accidentally injures others or damages their property.

Terms & Condition

1. This promotion is only eligible for Income SpecialCare and SpecialCare (Down Syndrome) Insurance plan.
2. The 10% discount on the premium is only applicable upon policy issuance of a new business or successful renewal of an existing policy.
3. The application must be submitted during the promotion period from 1 June 2022 to 31 Dec 2022 (inclusive of both dates).
4. Income reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this promotion without any prior notice.

Further Details

1. You and the insured will be covered while in Singapore and while outside of Singapore for no more than 90 days during each policy year.
2. Please refer to the policy contract for the list of 21 infectious diseases. We do not cover any infectious disease which has been announced as:
a. an epidemic by the health authority in Singapore or the Government of the Republic of Singapore; or
b. a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), from the date of such announcement until the epidemic or pandemic ends.
3. We will pay this benefit provided the insured person needs the physiotherapy or psychiatric therapy within 90 days from the date of accident.
4. We will pay this benefit if the insured person is permanently bedridden or permanently disabled within 12 months from the date of the accident. This benefit limit is applicable under Plan 2. It is subject to the scale of compensation as shown in the policy contract.

For more info, please visit:

Please fill in your personal details

Select your child age group

1. Does your child respond verbally or look in your direction when his/her name is called?

2. Is your child able to speak yet

3. Have you ever noticed that your child does not respond to sound or that your child might be deaf?

4. Does your child make eye contact during conversation or interaction?

5. When you smile at your child, does he/she respond by smiling back at you?

6. Does your child try to imitate your actions (e.g. nodding, throwing a ball)?

7. Does your child attempt to copy whatever you do?

8. Does your child follow your gaze when you point something out?

9. Is your child social and interacts with other children (e.g. talking, joining them to play)?

10. Does your child engage in imaginative play (e.g. pretend cooking, driving, talking to a doll, feeding a toy)?

11. Does your child talk, laugh, or cry to themselves unexpectedly in any kind of situations?

12. Does your child make unusual hand or finger movements near their eyes?

13. Are there any specific noises that upset or distress your child (e.g. sound of a blender, thunder, loud music)?

14. Does your child become upset and needs to put objects back in order if they're rearranged?

15. Does your child bring items to you to share them with you?

16. Does your child look at you when something interesting occurs?

17. Does your child point with his/her index finger to request for or show you something interesting?

18. Can your child follow simple commands (e.g. eat, sit down)?

19. Is your child overly fascinated with spinning objects?

20. Is your child sensitive to certain sensory experiences or items (e.g. wearing a cap, walking on sand, playing with water or grains)?

1. Can your child easily join in and play with other kids?

2. Is your child able to speak yet

3. Have you ever noticed that your child does not respond to sound or that your child might be deaf?

4. Does your child make eye contact during conversation or interaction?

5. When you smile at your child, does he/she respond by smiling back at you?

6. Does your child try to imitate your actions (e.g. nodding, throwing a ball)?

7. Does your child attempt to copy whatever you do?

8. Does your child follow your gaze when you point something out?

9. Is your child social and interacts with other children (e.g. talking, joining them to play)?

10. Does your child engage in imaginative play (e.g. pretend cooking, driving, talking to a doll, feeding a toy)?

11. Does your child talk, laugh, or cry to themselves unexpectedly in any kind of situations?

12. Does your child make unusual hand or finger movements near their eyes?

13. Are there any specific noises that upset or distress your child (e.g. sound of a blender, thunder, loud music)?

14. Does your child become upset and needs to put objects back in order if they're rearranged?

15. Does your child bring items to you to share them with you?

16. Does your child look at you when something interesting occurs?

17. Does your child point with his/her index finger to request for or show you something interesting?

18. Can your child follow simple commands (e.g. eat, sit down)?

19. Is your child overly fascinated with spinning objects?

20. Is your child sensitive to certain sensory experiences or items (e.g. wearing a cap, walking on sand, playing with water or grains)?

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Select your childs age group

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